Latest NewsNews from around the Academy

Letter to Parents 4th November
Dear Parents and Students
We greatly enjoyed meeting parents during our recent Subject Consultation Days Years 10 – 13) and the Sixth Form Open Evening we held on Tuesday. Thank you all for your attendance and support of your children and us.
If you have any items of uniform your daughter or son has outgrown, we would be delighted to receive these at our Mansion main reception or in the Student Office, as they may be of help to another student, and our stock of pre-loved uniform is currently low.
We have started our work about Remembrance with students, and they will undertake an activity about Remembrance every day in Daily Tutor Time next week. Yesterday, students in years 8 – 11 supported the Royal British Legion with their Poppy appeal at Aldi in Hythe. We thank the students for volunteering their time and their commitment to this valuable cause. Elsewhere, our reading buddies have helped in Saltwood primary school this week and other students have visited and supported at Hythe Dementia Awareness.
Every Friday, in Daily Tutor Time we work on strategies with students to support personal well-being and you may find the following link useful: -
The Parents’ Guide to turbo charge your teen’s health this autumn
Our Careers Information, Advice and Guidance programme runs from Years 7 – 13 as we begin to guide students thinking about and then planning their next steps. Please note the information about this on our website. We are delighted that all our Years 11 and 13 students had onward destinations in Higher Education, apprenticeships or employment.
We will be asking our teachers to nominate students for commendations in just 4 weeks’ time on the basis of completion of their personal best quality class- and homework assignments. Please do encourage your daughter or son to do their very best in all their subjects this half-term, so they receive the maximum number of nominations.
Yours sincerely
Charles Joseph