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Assessments Letter to Parents 9th November
Assessments for all Year Groups
9th November 2022
Dear Parents,
Your daughter or son’s Assessment Sheet will be available on the SIMS Parent App from Friday morning. We will be monitoring this remotely and remedy any issues which may arise as quickly as possible. These Assessment Grades are based on student learning since September. Full explanation of the Codes used for Assessment Grades will be available with the Assessment Grades.
If you encounter any issue with the SIMS Parent App, please email us on and we will help you resolve this as quickly as possible.
We hope that both you and your child(ren) will find cause for celebration and that the grades they have received will inform their work for the remainder of this term and beyond. We will be recognising the children’s achievements via awarding of commendations during December. We sent out more than 600 commendations at the end of October!
We have started assembling Assessment folders in each subject for all students to capture samples of work they complete under test conditions through the school year. It is vital that we start this work early – but gently – during students’ secondary education, so they are well prepared for the challenges of Public Examinations at the end of Years 11 & 13.
With Years 11 students we will be holding classroom based Walking talking Mock Examinations (teachers prompt and help) in Maths and Pre-public Examinations (teachers do not prompt or help) in the Examinations Hall during December, and then other subjects during January. Year 12 and 13 will sit Walking Talking Mock examinations and then pre-public examinations during December.
We are deeply conscious of our duty to prepare students for sitting Public Examinations in the summer and to do this in a way, which encourages and celebrates their learning, given that almost all of them will not previously have sat Public Examinations. Throughout these WTMs and PPEs we will aim to build students’ confidence and reduce any anxiety they have around examinations.
It will be vital for students to take these examinations seriously and work hard to put in their best performance, in order to derive as much benefit as possible from these practice opportunities.
If you have any query or concern around your daughter or son’s Assessments please contact their Academy Director from Monday, November 14th.
May we also take this opportunity to thank parents for all their support this week.
Yours sincerely
Charles Joseph