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Letter to Parents 21st November
November 21st 2022
Dear Parents and students,
We are writing today about school uniform matters relating to DFE School Uniform Guidance.
Firstly, thank you all for replenishing our supplies of pre-loved school uniform following our November 4th request. We now have a healthy stock of laundered pre-loved uniform items available here at school for a very modest voluntary donation on parental request should the need arise.
We have now appointed a second school uniform supplier. Our 2 suppliers are in Folkestone Channel Uniforms and Emporia Uniforms in Ashford. This is intended to ensure a choice of location for our families as well as competitive prices. Emporia Uniform have informed us they will be up and running in with Brockhill uniform in a couple of weeks.
Most uniform items showing as ‘required’ in our uniform list can be purchased from supermarkets or our uniform suppliers, depending on parental preference. The blazer and school sweater – both with the school logo - and academy colour tie will only be available from our school uniform suppliers. Where a student is in receipt of free school meals these items will be provided at nil cost when they join the school.
The Above are in fact very minor changes to the practices we have always adopted, save for the addition of the second school uniform supplier.
If you have any query about school uniform, or are interested in any pre-loved uniform items, please contact us via the school office email account.
Yours sincerely
Charles Joseph
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