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Letter to Parents 25th November
November 25th 2022
Dear Parents and students
Thank you for your support and students, for your hard work this week.
Last Friday, students raised £875.43 from their Children in Need activities, and as ever we are proud of their engagement and commitment to others. This week students have continued their volunteering activities in the community and attended a Mathematics competition at Invicta Grammar School, whilst we have also hosted the local secondary school secondary schools’ Cross Country Championship here at Brockhill. This was a huge feat of organisation for students and staff, as 15 schools were represented by nearly 400 students on the day.
At the end of last half-term we sent out more than 600 commendations to students, who had worked well and been nominated by their teachers for consistent completion to their personal best standard of class and homework assignments.
Key here though is ‘consistent,’ not necessarily ‘perfect’ in respect of homework. Whilst we are stepping up our reporting to parents of homework not submitted, we are focused on the bigger picture of recognising student achievement and commitment. A young person, who forgets to submit a homework assignment may otherwise be working very hard, and we will acknowledge and celebrate this.
We hope to award and send out even more Commendations before Christmas, so please do encourage your daughters and sons to target those teacher nominations through their hard work.
I need to report to you that we have an uptick of COVID-19 infections in Year 11. We now have 13 cases in Year 11. These are spread across different teaching groups. Otherwise, we have 2 cases in Year 8, 4 in Year 10 and 1 in Year 13. Today, we are sending home a COVID-19 test kit with each Year 11 student and request that they test at the end of the weekend on Sunday evening. Students, particularly in Year 11 may wish to consider wearing a face covering in lessons and on the bus, but this is up to them. We will support their decision either way.
If you would like a very quick 3 or 4 word view of what your daughter or son is learning in different subjects across the curriculum our weekly learning overview on the website caters for this.
Weekly Learning Overview by Year Group
This is in addition to our Schemes of Work, which I wrote to you about last week, also available on the website under Curriculum
Have a peaceful weekend.
Yours sincerely
Charles Joseph