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Letter to Parents of Year 7 Students
8th February 2023
Introducing YouHQ to Parents
Dear Parent/Carer,
We are looking at different ways to develop individual personal development for our students and we would like to trial the use of a wellbeing and personal development desktop and mobile application called ‘youHQ’ (website
We will use this desktop and mobile application in the following ways:
- get to know students quickly
- monitor wellbeing effectively
- use goal setting and the online resources to help improve the young person’s mental health and self-esteem.
The online platform is designed to use values-based goal setting to help with focus, motivation and confidence. It also helps students to think carefully about mindfulness, resilience, physical, mental and social health. YouHQ will allow students to set and break down meaningful goals in order to be successful in different aspects of their life.
In order to do so we will need to use the students school email address which will be shared with the team at youHQ. They will then have their own log in details which we will use to monitor goals and well-being.
Kind regards
Mrs. Meurice & Mr. Simpson
Assistant Principals