Latest NewsNews from around the Academy

Letter to Parents 5th May 2023
May 5th 2023
Dear Parents and students
We have continued with our royal theme over these 2 weeks holding a Coronation assembly for students, so they develop a secure understanding of our institutions as part of their education.
Teachers in both History and Citizenship have also undertaken classroom activities related to the coronation. In Citizenship, students have considered Fundamental British Values and how they relate to the monarchy, whilst in History students have compared the role of the monarchy in modern Britain to that of Tudor times.
Over the past 2 weekends, I have been privileged to see our Dance teachers and large numbers of students working in school as part of the INSTEP residency. And last weekend students taking the Duke of Edinburgh Award camped out at Brockhill on Saturday and hiked on Sunday.
On Thursday, our Young Farmers visited the Living Land Day at the Detling County Show
Year 8 students have had their Options assemblies this morning as they begin to select their subjects for GCSE, and candidates from other schools to enter our Sixth Form have attended Brockhill this morning.
As we commence Public Examinations, we will begin to vary our timetable, in order to ensure we provide students in Years 11 & 13 with the best possible support in advance of their next examinations by having the ‘right’ teacher for the ‘right’ subject in class with them. I cannot emphasise enough the importance of students maintaining the highest high levels of attendance to all their lessons after Public Examinations commence.
The Kent Police Crime Commissioner has asked us to share the following survey with students to ensure their services are as up to date with trends and opinions of young people.
We will send the survey to student email accounts on Tuesday.
Finally, please take note of the Letter from Independent Catering
Have a lovely weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Joseph