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Letter to Parents 17th November 2023
November 17th 2023
Dear Parents and students
This week students in all Year Groups have attended Anti-bullying assemblies where we have discussed kindness to and about each other, as well as the importance of speaking up and out.
Today, students have undertaken Children in Need fundraising activities in their Academy Tutor Groups over period 5 and lunchtime today. We will let you know how much they have raised next week. We thank them all for their engagement and support of each other.
As of 10am this morning, we had sent 3184 Excellent Effort points to parents in recognition of their daughter or son’s hard work. We wish to recognize every student, so please encourage your daughter or son to submit their personal best class- and homework assignments.
Separately, we are sending 649 commendation certificates or letters to parents where their child had submitted personal best assignments during the recent remote learning days.
We send simple SMS messages to parents if a student has not submitted homework, even after a deadline extension. We hope texts sent enable a dialogue between children and parents at home about Homework and between school and parents where helpful. Please see our homework durations aide memoir to teachers, which sets out expectations for homework in each subject. We offer a Homework club on Tuesday and Wednesday lunchtimes, in room 71 with Ms Donnelly.
If any of you are completing or have completed a Degree and are think about entering teaching, we train a large number of teachers each year. If this is a path you might be interested in pursuing – so many of you developed these skills for the full range of school subjects during the pandemic! – then please do get in touch with Mr Travers via
This week has seen Sixth Form students of History travel to Poland to visit Auschwitz, students of Psychology to Canterbury Church University for a Crime and Punishment event and Travel & Tourism students to an event at Port Lympne zoo. At Brockhill, the weekly Year 13 Careers Talk was delivered by representatives from Holiday Extras about software coding.
Our involvement in Remembrance events continued over last weekend with Brockhill students representing us at a number of locations, with Harry in Year 7 reading ‘Here’s to the Heroes’ at the Armistice Service in Hythe. Elsewhere, Brockhill students have volunteered in local primary schools and in the local community. I am delighted that your daughters and sons are seeking to bring such positive change to the world around them.
We want to encourage all our students in Years 7 – 13 to read for pleasure for 20 minutes a day. Students who read daily develop their understanding and achieve so much more highly across their school subjects.
Digital Library Autumn Term second half
And finally, please see Childhood Flu Vaccination Programme 23/24 FINAL REMINDER FOR NEXT WEEK
Have a peaceful weekend.
Yours sincerely
Charles Joseph