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Letter to Parents 1st December 2023
December 1st 2023
Dear Parents and students
Thank you for your support and students, for your hard work this week.
Some reminders around uniform: coats must be black or navy blue and only black or navy blue scarves may be worn in mid-winter; hoodies are not permitted and non-uniform items may be confiscated and returned to parents by appointment. Please check the uniform list and items, which are not permitted. Uniform List
We would also like to remind parents and students that mobile phones should be turned off and in the bottoms of bags during Tutor time and lessons. Students must not use mobile phones before break or lunch when use will be permitted. This means that mobile phones must remain in students’ bags when moving between lessons. Students must not wear or carry headphones or ear pods in school at any time.
Students had earned 2627 Excellent Effort Points by breaktime this morning. We are proud of them!
We send simple SMS messages to parents if a student has not submitted homework, even after a deadline extension. We hope texts sent enable a dialogue between children and parents at home about Homework and between school and parents where helpful. Please see our homework durations aide memoir to teachers, which sets out expectations for homework in each subject. We offer a Homework club on Tuesday and Wednesday lunchtimes, in room 71 with Ms Donnelly.
If any of you are completing or have completed a Degree and are think about entering teaching, we train a large number of teachers each year. If this is a path you might be interested in pursuing – so many of you developed these skills for the full range of school subjects during the pandemic! – then, please do get in touch with Mr Travers via
As we enter the final weeks of term, all students in Years 11, 12 & 13 will sit pre-public examinations in the Examination Hall, so they are fully prepared for this environment, sooner rather than later.
Next Friday, December 8th Brockhill Park Performing Arts College will be holding a non-uniform day for Save the Children
Students are welcome to wear items of clothing with a Christmas theme, but we do not want students or their parents to feel pressurised into buying ‘Christmas Jumpers.’ We are asking students to donate £1 for this non-uniform day.
The day will operate as a ‘dress down’ day for staff, who will also be contributing. We are proud of our students and their commitment to supporting others and believe this is an opportunity for students and staff to relax slightly and support a very worthy cause.
Best Wishes to all students and their families as we enter the last two weeks of this busy term.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Joseph