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Posted: 28/06/2024

Letter to Parents 28th June 2024




June 28th 2024

Dear Parents and students      

Thank you for your support of all of us - students and staff – here in school this week. Students had earned 1637 Excellent Effort Points by 11.20am this morning.

Once again, I have been touched by the many words of thanks received by teachers from students and their parents as they finish their Public Examinations. Of course, we have already welcomed back so many of our Year 11 students as incoming Year 12s to Sixth Form Induction.

This week has been highly productive. Years 10 and 12 students have now completed their Pre-public Examinations, where teachers do not provide support and many of them have now received their results. These students carry our hopes for next year, and we have been really impressed by their resolve and just how quickly they have picked up on the Examination arrangements.

The week has also been truly enjoyable. Last Friday evening students in each of our Performing Arts provided a beautiful evening of Dance, Drama and Music in our Phoenix Building, which was followed on Monday evening by Saltwood Church hosting us for our summer Music Show. The standard of the choir, groups, soloists and instrumentalists was simply breathtaking. Performing Arts students and their teachers have been on a long journey to recapture and recreate magic during these last two years, and I applaud their collective dedication.

On Tuesday, over 100 of our incoming Year 12 students took a break from lessons and visited Wingham Wildlife Park for the day with Mr Travers and Mrs Foster and a team of dedicated colleagues. This was a special day as we start out with Team 26.

Sports’ Day was uniquely enjoyable yesterday, and it was a pleasure to see so very many students participating with family members cheering them on.

The NHS School-Aged Immunisation Service is delivering a TdIPV, MenACWY and HPV Catch-Up session in school before the end of term. If the team has consent on record for your child, they will be vaccinated on this visit. If you have not previously consented and would like your child to receive the HPV Vaccination please visit their website via the following link: 

Please do ensure your daughter or son reads for 20 minutes a day. Reading is just so helpful to student development in all their subjects. Digital Library


Thank you for all your support this week and have a lovely weekend.  


Yours Sincerely,  

Charles Joseph 



