
Latest NewsNews from around the Academy

Posted: 20/09/2024

Letter to Parents 20th September





September 20th 2024

Dear Parents


It has been a pleasure to welcome so many of you to the Meet the Academic Tutor and Information Evenings we have been running for each Year Group. We really hope you found them useful. We look forward to welcoming the remaining Years 12 & 13 parents and students at 5.30pm on the following evenings next week with refreshments and the opportunity to view our Art Exhibition of student work.


Year Group


Year 12

Tuesday, September 24th 2024

Year 13

Wednesday, September 25th 2024


The event runs for just over an hour and Tutors are on hand to chat informally with parents. Of course, students are welcome to join their parents. Please do come.

I have held assemblies with all Year Groups this week and spoken to students about the importance of working hard on class and homework, representing themselves and Brockhill to the highest standards and crucially of being kind to and showing care for each other. It was an absolute pleasure to meet with the students and the highlight of my week!


Lunchtime and after school clubs are now up and running, and we are offering a range of club activities. Please encourage your daughter or son to join a club, as these enrichment activities are both really enjoyable and helpful to students’ development. Please see CLUBS listed on our website.


Earlier this week, Mrs Johnson and Mr Pawlica accompanied 20 choir members from Years 7 – 12 to a workshop day with members of the cast of Mamma Mia before watching the performance.


We have started back up our loans system for IT equipment. We have a limited number of laptops available but If you would like your child to borrow a laptop (or for Years 11 & 13 a webcam for any Live Online after school revision sessions) please make your request to and we will be pleased to help. Our technicians will work to meet requests just as quickly as they can, but this may take a few days.


As of this morning, teachers had awarded a total of 4,183 Excellent Effort points to students this week. We really want to celebrate the effort and commitment of our students.

Alongside this, we are sending simple SMS messages to parents if a student has not submitted homework, even after a deadline extension. We hope texts enable a dialogue at home about Homework and between school and parents where helpful.


However, we recognize some students can actually devote too much time to Homework, particularly when they join secondary school in Year 7, and we rely on parents to keep a careful eye here and let us know if they have concerns.


Please see our homework durations aide memoir to teachers, which sets out expectations for homework in each subject.


We want to encourage all our students in Years 7 – 13 to read for pleasure for 20 minutes a day. Students who read daily develop their understanding and achieve so much more highly across their school subjects.


Digital Library Autumn Term 1st half 2024-2025


Kent Police have asked us to share their Child Centred Policing Newsletter September 2024


Have a wonderful weekend.


Yours sincerely, 

Charles Joseph 



