
Latest NewsNews from around the Academy

Posted: 27/09/2024

Letter to Parents 27th September 2024





September 27th 2024

Dear Parents

Thank you for all your support of your children and of us this week.

We have been emphasising the importance of punctuality to school in the mornings and of personal organisation in our conversations with students this week.

As of this morning, teachers had awarded a total of 4 697 Excellent Effort points to students this week to celebrate the effort and commitment of our students. We award these for the completion of personal best class- and homework assignments.

We also send simple SMS messages on Friday to parents if a student has not submitted homework, even after a deadline extension. We hope texts sent enable a dialogue at home about Homework and between school and parents, where helpful. In Examination Year Groups though, students who do not submit homework assignments will simply perform less well in Public Examinations. Your support is vital here.

Last Friday, we sent commendation certificates to 373 students, who showed commitment to their learning through the completion of assignments over the summer holiday. We are delighted by this and will be sending commendations to parents next week.

Earlier this week, 4 Sixth Formers attended the Civic Centre with Mrs Eastham to find out about and give their views on democracy.

Please encourage your daughter or son to join a club, as these enrichment activities are both really enjoyable and helpful to students’ development. Please see CLUBS listed on our website.

May I draw your attention to the Policies page of our website, where the school’s policies and other statutory information are available for parents. We were quick to adopt the statutory Relationships and Sex Education Policy in 2019 – 20, and we consulted with parents at that time. The policy is very largely unchanged since that time, but if you do have any observations you would like to make about the policy, please let us know by the office email account. All Policies

Please see our homework durations aide memoir to teachers, which sets out expectations for homework in each subject.

We want to encourage all our students in Years 7 – 13 to read for pleasure for 20 minutes a day. Students who read daily develop their understanding and achieve so much more highly across their school subjects.

Digital Library Autumn Term 1st half 2024-2025

 Just in case you missed Kent Police’s Child Centred Policing Newsletter September 2024

Yours sincerely, 

Charles Joseph 



