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Letter to Parents 24th January 2025
January 24th 2025
Dear Parents and students
Students have worked very hard this week and earned 2668 Excellent Effort Points by midday today. We are blessed with a wonderful parental body, who support and encourage their children to achieve so very much.
Beyond the classroom this week, Wednesday saw 10 of our Year 10 students joining a Print Screen Workshop with the University for the Creative Arts. Our girls’ and boys’ Basketball teams have been in action and done well in their against schools in Folkestone and Ashford. We are particularly proud of Scarlett in Year 9, who was the leading Folkestone and Hythe runner at this year’s Kent Schools’ Cross Country Championships. Seth in Year 7 put in a fine performance too.
Please encourage your daughter or son to attend a Club Activity at least once a week. Please see Lunchtime Clubs listed on our website. Students can attend these with their friends or just make new friends, as they try a new sport or activity, or even ones they already know and enjoy.
Please ensure your daughter or son chooses a book from our Digital Library for this term. It contains exciting and enjoyable books for each year Group from Years 7 – 13. We want every student to read for pleasure for 20 minutes daily. Students who read regularly perform better across the range of school subjects.
Digital Library Spring Term 2024 - 25
We are emphasising the importance of 98%+ attendance in our conversations with students together with punctuality to school in the mornings. Regular and high levels of attendance to school are so important, and there is clear evidence to show students progress less well when their attendance falls below 95%.
We send simple messages via the SIMs Parent App to parents if a student has not submitted homework, even after a deadline extension. We hope these messages enable a dialogue between children and parents at home about Homework and between school and parents where helpful. Importantly, though you need to be logged into the SIMs Parent App to receive these and other notifications. If you are unable to log in, please let us know by mailing
In Examination Year Groups, students who do not submit homework assignments will simply perform less well in Public Examinations. Your support is vital here. Please see our homework durations aide memoir to teachers, which sets out expectations for homework in each subject.
A reminder for Monday:
Year 11 Revision Tips - Monday, January 20th Year 13 Revision Tips - Monday, January 20th
Finally, we wish our student and staff skiers well as they depart on the school Ski Trip to Courmayeur.
Yours sincerely
Charles Joseph