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Letter to Parents 31st January 2025
January 31st 2025
Dear Parents and students
Students have worked very hard this week and earned 2589 Excellent Effort Points by midday today. Thank you parents for all your support. This lies behind every one of the students’ achievements.
Separately, we are asking teachers and associate staff to nominate students for end of half-term commendations for the consistent submission of their personal best class and homework assignments over these past weeks. We really want to recognise everyone’s contribution!
As part of our curriculum, we seek to equip students with knowledge and awareness, which will help them to remain safe. This week we have discussed Exploitation in Daily Tutor Time:
Exploitation Assembly Years 7 & 8 Exploitation Assembly Years 9 - 13
Beyond the classroom this week, Ms Packer accompanied Sixth Form students to the Holocaust memorial service in Folkestone. At Brockhill, The University for the Creative Arts ran a Drama workshop for our students, whilst students in our choir organised a Music workshop at Hawkinge Primary School. With our Year 8 and 10 Basketball teams in action against other local schools and our Sixth Form participating in a workshop about Apprenticeships, it has been quite a busy week. We topped it off with a little downtime in Academy Tutor Groups this morning with Family Friday Puzzle Day
If like me, you sometimes struggle to know what your secondary school child is doing at school, this 3 or 4 word weekly view for each subject should be helpful. Weekly Learning Overview by Year Group.
Our complete Schemes of Work for each subject are also available on the website under Curriculum
If you are not claiming Free School Meals but believe you may be eligible, please apply now via:
As we begin to approach the end of the half-term a reminder of our term dates for this school year. These are unchanged. Term Dates (and important dates) 2024 - 25
If your child has not yet chosen a book to read for 20 minutes daily, please have them choose and read a book from Digital Library Spring Term 2024 - 25
A reminder from Monday:
Year 11 Revision Tips – Monday, January 27th Year 13 Revision Tips – Monday, January 27th
We have sent Homework texts this week for a range of subjects in Years 7 – 11 and Years 12 & 13. Please do check in which subjects your daughter or son is due to submit homework assignments in the coming week. Of course, it is entirely possible for a student to receive Excellent Effort Points and commendations as well as homework reminder texts in the same week! In Examination Year Groups, students who do not submit homework assignments will simply perform less well in Public Examinations. Your support is vital here.
Finally, we currently have a large number of books, which are overdue for return to our school library. Please check this with your daughter or son, so they are returned before half term and then available to the next reader.
Have a lovely weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Joseph