
Latest NewsNews from around the Academy

Posted: 14/03/2025

Letter to Parents 14th March 2025




March 14th 2025  

Dear Parents and students


Thank you for all your support of the students and us over this past week.

Once again, students have worked very hard and had earned 2719 Excellent Effort Points by midday today. Behind these achievements sits a huge amount of parental support day in and day out!

Last Friday, we hosted Sir David Wootton former Lord Mayor of London, and Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Woolmen for the day.  Sir David led the judging panel and presented prizes to student participants in the Romney Tweed Design Challenge. We host Romney Tweed and keep a number of Romney sheep at Brockhill to support their activities. This also ensures our students access opportunities to learn about textiles and design. As ever, the students shone. They spoke confidently about their tweed designs and the inspiration for these, as well as their enjoyment of the weaving process. I am grateful to Ms Chase for all her support of the students for this project.

On Monday, our Science teachers ran the Brockhill Big Bang to celebrate British Science Week, hosting a live science show in the theatre for all students in Years 7 & 8.

And throughout the week students have rehearsed for their Music Show which they are performing to primary school students as I write, and then again to their families this evening. Our Year 7 Girls’ Netball and Year 8 Boys’ Basketball teams were also in action at Wye during the week.

We have also sent Homework reminder texts this week for a range of subjects in Years 7 – 11 and Years 12 & 13. Please do check in which subjects your daughter or son is due to submit homework assignments. In Examination Year Groups, students who do not submit homework assignments will simply perform less well in Public Examinations. Your support is vital here.

As we work towards Public Examinations for Years 11 and 13, we are providing students with information and techniques to inform their revision and its planning over the Easter Holiday. If you are worried that your daughter or son is not sure what to do, how to do it or indeed that they are just worried, please let us know. We will try our very Best to help and guide!

We are also intensifying our Walking Talking Mock (teachers help) and Pre-Public (teachers don’t help) GCSE and A level Examinations. We work with students around Examination stress and anxiety, but if you are concerned about your child, please do let us know. We are here to help!

Please see this week’s

Year 11 Revision Tips – Monday, March 10th                   Year 13 Revision Tips – Monday March 10th


Our Academy Tutor Groups are starting to plan their Comic Relief activities for March 21st

Comic Relief Assembly

We explain to students, how money raised is used to benefit others. I am always delighted by students’ engagement and commitment to others.

At school, we work hard to give students the knowledge and skills to stay safe online. Gaming can present risks for students, and this is part of our ongoing Online Safety education. This may be useful to parents, whose children play Roblox. What Parents need to know about Roblox

I am grateful to you for your support about our approach and determination around mobile phones. The amount of time young people spend on and their dependency on their phones present well-known risks. For the moment, our arrangements and practices represent no change. Where mobile phones are not turned off in bags during lessons, they can distract from teaching and learning of whole classes. We cannot let that happen, and where students do not follow our simple and clear requirements, we will only return mobile phones to parents.  

Please ensure your child reads for 20 minutes daily and have them choose and read a second book this term from Digital Library – Spring Term 2024 - 25


Have a restful weekend.

Charles Joseph



