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Letter to Parents 28th March 2025
March 28th 2025
Dear Parents and students
Students have earned 2137 Excellent Effort Points this week. I am proud of them and so grateful to families for their support.
On Tuesday of this week, our Mr Pawlica accompanied 40 Years 7 & 8 students to a performance by the London Symphony Orchestra of Symphonic Dances from West Side Story by Leonard Bernstein, at the Barbican Theatre. Our Years 12 & 13 Animal Care students hosted a visit to the School Farm from St Augustine’s students, whilst our Years 9 & 10 Sports’ Leaders ran a cricket coaching session at Cheriton Primary School. Our students are inspiring through their kindness to others, and our teaching and associate staff through the organisation and provision of these valuable activities.
As we reach towards the end of term, students have spent time this morning considering their progress and learning over these past weeks in an extended Advisory lesson with their Academy Tutors. A little time was taken out to select teams for next week’s Dodgeball Tournament and for fun and relaxation: Family Friday – Sudoku and Games
Next week, on Thursday, April 3rd the last day of on site learning this term, we will run a non-uniform day in support of local charity Action on Homelessness in Folkestone and Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital through our association with our History teacher, Jacob Zintel-Warner’s epic cycle ride around the world. Visiting Great Ormond Street Hospital and why I'm cycling around the world to raise money for them
Jacob posts his progress regularly Cycling China Part 8 – Heading towards South Vietnam
Please remember, Friday April 4th is Parents’ online Subject Consultation Day for Years 11 & 13 with remote learning at home for all Year groups on that day.
Teachers will post assignments for all lessons in the Google Classroom by 8.30am on Friday morning and students should follow their normal timetable for the day and submit their personal best assignments by the end of the day. We will seek nominations for commendation from teachers after the Easter holiday. Here are our Term and Other Important Dates 2024 - 25
We will spend time with Year 11 and Year 13 students next week signposting them to revision resources and tasks for the Easter holiday. We will also send links out to parents again, to help them as they support and encourage their daughters and sons. It will be crucial for students to plan a revision time and stick to it over the holiday. The plan though needs to include important family time and leisure activities These are so important! If you are concerned your daughter or son does not have a plan and needs help drafting one, please do let us know. Equally, if you have any welfare concerns about your daughter or son you believe we may not be aware of, then please do let us know. We are here to help!
Year 11 Revision Tips – Monday, March 28th Year 13 Revision Tips – Monday, March 28th
Our friends at Folkestone & Hythe District Council have asked me to share their Community Safety Partnership March Newsletter
Please ensure your child reads for 20 minutes daily and chooses a second book this term from Digital Library – Spring Term 2024 - 25
Have a restful weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Joseph