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Sixth Form Parents Subject Consultation Evening: Wednesday 13th March 2019
Dear Parents
Sixth Form Parents Subject Consultation Evening: Wednesday 13th March 2019
Thank you for your continued support of the school and your son/daughter. We will host a parents’ subject consultation evening for Sixth Form on Wednesday 13th March 2019 from 3:45 to 7:50pm. Please ensure that this date is in your diary so that you can come and meet your son/daughter’s subject teachers.
Parental support is vital for the success of students and as a result I will encourage you to attend this evening and view it as an opportunity to find out more about what we can all do to ensure that your son/daughter is successful.
Your son/daughter will be asked to make an appointment with his/her teachers. Please ask for the times best suited to you so that appropriate arrangements can be made. In order to allow as many consultation meetings as possible during the event please take note that all appointments will be 5 minutes long.
On arrival you should sign in at The SAGA Centre before meeting with Subject Teachers. Whilst signing in please take time to view a range of study support information and resources available to support your son/daughter If you require assistance please contact the school office on 01303 265521.
Yours sincerely
Sonette Schwartz