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Year 11 Letter to parents
Dear Parents of our wonderful Year 11 students
I am writing to you as we approach the Easter holiday. Next week, the final week of this term, we are maintaining our normal teaching timetable, though with a focus on Mathematics and those students who take French sitting their Speaking Examination before the Break.
Students have been working really hard and attending a large number of after school revision lessons but with just a few short weeks in the classroom after the Easter Break we are concerned by possible ‘Learning Loss’ over the holidays.
To support students over Easter we have created a Folder ‘Easter Revision Resources’ on the school website with revision materials for Easter in each subject. The Easter Revision Folder will go live early next week. Please find instructions to help you and your children navigate this on the link below.
Our hope and repeated advice to students is they make a clear, timed and realistic revision plan for the holidays with leisure time built in and then that they stick to it. Please do support with this.
Separately, Mr Boston is writing to you about our Easter Holiday Study Support Days running from Monday, April 8th – Thursday, April 11th.
Teachers will be offering much useful advice to Year 11 over the coming week and we are hoping for 100% attendance right up until Friday.
Yours sincerely
Charles Joseph
Senior Vice Principal
Download Guide to Easter Revision Resources