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Letter to Year 11 and 13 Parents
Letter to Parents of Year 11 and Year 13 Students
April 23rd 2020
Dear Parents and Students
Government has stated GCSE and A level examinations will not take place this summer but they will ensure students receive their examination results. Guidance has been updated and Examination Boards’ planning is progressing, to ensure all students receive Examination grades on the scheduled August results days.
When we receive definitive information we will of course share this with you.
Just some reminders to students on keeping up good study habits and preparing for next steps below:
Year 11
- You retain access to our Electronic resources with material for all subjects and we attach the link to these.
- We attach a link to PiXL Independence resources, which will help you with preparation for Sixth Form study.
- The BBC Bitesize daily lessons in each subject are excellent and the link to those is here.
- Maintain regular study routines. Study as if you were sitting your GCSEs.
- Remember, when you start A levels it will greatly help if you if you have maintained strong study habits between now and September and that you have good levels of subject knowledge to start an A level course in a subject.
- The same clearly applies if you will be taking your next steps after Year 11 at a provider other than Brockhill.
Above all, follow all Guidance on Social Distancing and Stay Safe.
Year 13
- You retain access to Student Resources at Brockhiil with material for use in every subject.
- Maintain regular study routines. Study as if you were sitting your A levels.
- Remember, when you start your Degree it will greatly help if you if you have maintained strong study habits between now and September and that you have good levels of subject knowledge to start a Degree.
- Get ahead. What reading will you have to do from next September – December in your chosen course? What essays will you have to write? What exams will you have to sit?
The same clearly applies to other employment, study or apprenticeship destinations.
Above all, follow all Guidance on Social Distancing and Stay Safe.
Sonette Schwartz Charles Joseph
Principal Senior Vice Principal