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Letter to parents 23rd April
Dear Parents
Thank you for all your support with the current home education arrangements. We really do appreciate the efforts of all our parents here, many of whom are now home based teachers.
Tomorrow morning students will be able to access this week’s Numeracy Activities and this will continue the process of re-activating a number of our normal Tutor time activities. These are fun, a great way to start the day and there is video support – so maybe a family activity if you get the opportunity!
Please ensure students log in as per our Using Google Classroom for Students instructions and continue to check for class codes sent by teachers going into Junk folders. There were still a few, albeit less, issues arising from this today.
Where students have questions about work set they may email questions to teachers between 9am and 3pm Monday – Friday.
Following Sunday’s announcements in respect of possible support for some students to better access technology we are not yet in receipt of the detail of Government plans. In the meantime here is a link to information published thus far:
We have also been asked by KCC to provide you with access to their Covid-19 Parent Guide. This contains slightly different information to the NHS Kent Information for Children and Young People’s Mental Health needs during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Please stay safe.
Yours sincerely
Sonette Schwartz Charles Joseph
Principal Senior Vice Principal