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Letter to parents 17th July
July 17th 2020
Dear Parents
Thank you for your support with Home School today.
We hope you have set up your weekly Guardian Summary email about work carried out by your daughter or son in Google Classroom. If so you will receive your Weekly Guardian Summary today and if not please do contact us and we will help with the setup.
Please do check with your daughter or son that they are receiving work for all lessons every day and do let us know if this is not the case. We will be setting work and delivering face to face lessons on line every day up until the last day of term, Wednesday, July 22nd.
Please also take a moment to check the work your daughter or son is submitting so they always submit work, which is of their best personal standard.
Monday’s Tutor Time activity is Literacy.
We are planning Work Packs in each subject for students to complete over the summer holiday. These will be set out in a weekly format, so students can easily see what tasks they need to complete in a given week. We want all our students in all Year Groups to perform to the very best of their ability when resume in September. Maintaining good and regular study habits over the summer holiday will support them to do this. However, we fully understand that at this distance in time parents will know better than we what is appropriate for their child.
We are planning for full reopening in September and basing our planning around the recently published Guidance.
Between now and the end of term we will provide you with details of our planning.
Stay safe.
Yours sincerely
Sonette Schwartz Charles Joseph
Principal Senior Vice Principal