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University Collaborative Project Years 9 -13 Students
University Collaborative Project
Summer Mentee Opportunities for students in Years 9 – 13
July 20th 2020
Dear Parents and Students of Years 9 - 13
We are writing to you with news of an opportunity to receive online mentorship from university students at Canterbury Christ Church University through the summer holiday until October, when students will have settled into their new school year or at college or university.
The project is called Aspirations and Transitions and runs over 12 weeks.
The project aims to help students improve their study skills and hopefully identify possible future education or employment pathways.
The mentorship programme takes places over the secure Brightside Platform to ensure appropriate safeguarding arrangements.
If you are interested in pursuing this opportunity we recommend you submit your application promptly, as we understand from the university that their capacity is limited.
To view further information and apply click on
Mentee- Online Mentoring with CCCU
Parents, please view important safeguarding information
Brightside mentoring platform: security information and child protection
We will also send this information to Year 12 and 13 students’ email accounts.
Stay safe.
Yours sincerely
Sonette Schwartz Charles Joseph
Principal Senior Vice Principal