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Letter to parents 8th January
January 8th 2021
Dear Parents / Guardians
Thank you for your support of Home School this week.
Today, you should receive your weekly Guardian Summary in respect of your daughter or son’s learning this week. We hope this is useful to you and your child. We will be looking closely in school at the information the Guardian Summary has generated to you at the beginning of next week, as we are currently using it in a way for which it was not necessarily designed.
We are in receipt of some excellent resources designed to support parents with the maintenance and development of resilience of their children in the current circumstances.
There are a number of short videos here, which offer a range of practical tips. We would recommend working through them over a period of time.
We now have information from Kent County Council in respect of Free School Meals, which we are very hopeful we can set up and put in place during the earlier part of next week.
We received a few inquiries again today about sound issues with Webex. We are confident the Guide we provided yesterday and again here will address this:
Downloading and Starting the Webex Client
As with all our Guides please download and save these – or ensure the students do - for ease of future reference.
Monday’s Daily Tutor Time activity posted in the Google Classroom is:
Monday: Literacy
Students should access these materials and submit their work at the end of each day.
We want all our students to remain safe by following the National Lockdown Guidance
as well as to remember social distancing, hand washing and face coverings, so as to play their part in the fight against the spread of COVID-19.
Yours Sincerely,
Sonette Schwartz
Charles Joseph
Senior Vice Principal