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Letter to parents 11th January
January 11th 2021
Dear Parents / Guardians
Thank you for your support of Home School today.
We hope you received your weekly Guardian Summary last Friday afternoon in respect of your daughter or son’s learning for the week. If not, please do let us know.
We sent you resources designed to support parents with the maintenance and development of resilience of their children in the current circumstances last Friday.
From the number of short videos contained within those resources we are today sending you just one:
Each day this week, we will send you just one of the videos, which generally last 2 – 3 minutes.
All the materials though, can be found together on the
The BBC have published their Lockdown Learning Programme Schedule, where Secondary students will be able to watch two hours of programmes supporting the curriculum on BBC Two every weekday. These will be complemented by drama adaptations, as well as relevant BBC science, history and factual programmes. These programmes can all be seen on demand on i-player and we recommend these as a complement to Live Online lessons, after the school day and Live Online lessons have finished.
Lockdown Learning: BBC Bitesize
Tomorrow, we will activate Kent County Council’s WONDE system in respect of Free School Meals. The system appears simple and you should receive a mail Wednesday with a £15 voucher for last week and then on Thursday a further mail with a further £15 voucher for this week. We will be watching the system carefully during Wednesday and Thursday to identify and resolve any problems, which may arise.
Tomorrow, Tuesday’s Daily Tutor Time activity posted in the Google Classroom is:
Tuesday: Digital Library
Students should access these materials and submit their work at the end of each day. With the Digital Library students should let their Daily Tutor know, which pages of what book they have read. Reading is so very important for student development and just 20 minutes reading per day has been demonstrated to be hugely beneficial in raising student attainment in the range of subjects they study.
If you are a critical worker, please do keep your child at home, unless there is genuinely no other realistic option for you. Whilst we are mindful of and adhering to Guidance in respect of provision for children of critical workers, school closures intervened on account of the rapidly rising levels of infection, both in the community and in schools themselves.
We want all our students to remain safe by following the National Lockdown Guidance
as well as to remember social distancing, hand washing and face coverings, so as to play their part in the fight against the spread of COVID-19.
Yours Sincerely,
Sonette Schwartz
Charles Joseph
Senior Vice Principal