
Latest NewsNews from around the Academy

Posted: 08/03/2021

Letter to parents 8th March

March 8th 2021

Dear Parents / Guardians

The first day of our phased return has run smoothly with Years 13 and 11 taking their first Lateral Flow Test. Teachers have continued their teaching of Live Online lessons to all other Year Groups, and it is vital that students attend 100% of these in advance of their return to on site learning.

It is our current intention to test students 4 times on a weekly schedule until the end of this term and we expect to receive sufficient supplies to do this.


Government have made clear they wish all school aged students and their families to undertake twice weekly asymptomatic testing and to continue with this after testing in schools ceases. They see this as a key control measure in ensuring the return to school is successful and that schools remain open.


All households with children of school age to get 2 rapid COVID-19 tests per person per week

Order Rapid Lateral Flow Tests


We wish the transition from Home School to on site learning to be seamless. As each Year Group returns, they should report to their Daily Tutor Registration period by 8.30am.

Please look at our short video demonstration with your daughter or son about how we are running lateral flow testing at school, before they return to site.

Lateral Flow Test - A walkthrough for students - YouTube

Our updated Risk Assessment is available on our website.

We want all our students to target 100% attendance and the maximum number of teacher nominations for commendation at the end of this half-term.

The Daily Tutor Time activity tomorrow, Tuesday is: Digital Library

Students should let their Daily Tutor for Tuesday know what and how much they have read at the end of tomorrow.


Yours Sincerely,

Sonette Schwartz



Charles Joseph

Senior Vice Principal




Phased Return to On Site Learning at Brockhill



Year Group(s)

On site at Brockhill

or Home School*

Mon. March 8th

Years 13 and 11                        On site at Brockhill

Years 7, 8, 9, 10 & 12               Home School*

Tues. March 9th

Years 13, 12, 11 & 10               On site at Brockhill

Years 7, 8 & 9                            Home School*

Wed. March 10th 

Years 13, 12, 11, 10 & 9          On site at Brockhill

Years 7 & 8                                 Home School*

Thurs. March 11th 

Years 13, 12, 11, 10, 9 & 8     On site at Brockhill

Year 7                                         Home School*


Fri. March 12th 

All Year Groups                        On site at Brockhill



* Home School Live online lessons as per timetable and work in Google classroom. Submit all classwork by end of each day and Homework tasks as required by the teacher.





