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Letter to Parents 1st October
1st October
Dear Parents/ Guardians
We are delighted to inform you that our Governing Body has met and unanimously confirmed the appointment of Mrs Schwartz to the position of Executive Principal and of Mr Joseph to Principal with immediate effect.
Parent Governor Vacancy
Our supportive Governing Body has vacancies. We would like to attract applications from our parent body. If you feel you have a contribution to make and can attend a minimum of 7 meetings a year, please write a letter of application to By all means please include a short CV and reasons why you wish to join us by 22 October 2021.
Voluntary Fund
We would ask that all parents make a contribution to our School Voluntary Fund. This fund will allow us to offer access to school trips, clubs and uniform for all. We ask for a £20 donation per family. Please make cheques payable to Brockhill Park Performing Arts College and send your cash or cheque to school reception in a sealed envelope alternatively you could set up a standing order for about £2 per month our details are:
Bank: Lloyds TSB
Account Name: Brockhill Park Performing Arts Voluntary Fund
Sort Code: 30-93-34
Account No: 02941356
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours faithfully
Sonette Schwartz
Executive Principal
Charles Joseph