Latest NewsNews from around the Academy
Letter to Parents 1st April
1st April 2022
Dear Parents / Guardians
Thank you for your support this half-term in getting the students into school punctually each day, ready to learn in correct uniform and with all the necessary equipment. Your support is essential and very much appreciated.
Over the past week teachers have nominated students for half-termly commendations and we will be sending out a large number of commendations in recognition of students’ submission of personal best standard class- and homework assignments. We will also send commendations to celebrate students achieving 98%+ attendance.
Separately today, our colleagues will send advice around revision planning to all students and their parents in Years 11 and 13, as this Easter holiday represents a final opportunity to revise intensively before examinations. A very few words from us about revision though:
Make a plan, build in your normal activities, part-time jobs etc. and breaks to your plan. Then stick to the plan.
As we start the holiday, we are sending you our latest safeguarding newsletter which this time contains advice on how to identify fake news online along with information about radicalisation. Our young people can be very vulnerable to the information and disinformation of the internet, so please do take a few minutes to run through these issues with your children using the Safeguarding Newsletter.
Since we returned to school on Tuesday, February 22nd we have had 127 students and 16 members of staff test positive for COVID-19 – IE 27 more students and 5 more members of staff since March 25th. Many have been asymptomatic and identified by in school or home testing. We continue to support and encourage students to wear face coverings in class and have reminded them that they still need to wear them on school transport for the moment.
We will continue with Lateral Flow Testing in school next half-term.
We would like to remind you that students will again be learning remotely on Tuesday, April 19th with work set in Google Classroom for all students. We will look forward to welcoming students back to learning on site on Wednesday, April 20th. We will provide further information in respect of our Year 8 Learning Pathways April 26th event on our return to school after the Easter holiday.
Have a restful holiday and peaceful Easter.
Yours Sincerely,
Sonette Schwartz Charles Joseph
Executive Principal Principal