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Year 8 Learning Pathways - Tuesday 26th AprilÂ
April 19th 2022
Dear Parents,
Year 8 Learning Pathways - Tuesday 26th April
We are writing to inform you that our year 8 Learning Pathways Event scheduled for Tuesday 26th April will go ahead via a video presentation. We will provide the link to the presentation via letter on the scheduled day.
The video presentation will explain how your daughter / son will make her / his choices for the next 3 years. We will also send you for your daughter / son a personalised booklet explaining the choices that need to be made.
Following the evening we will issue video presentations in some subjects and an individual interview in order to ensure that students make the correct choices. Separately, we will also send an electronic form for you to fill in, sign electronically (initials only) and submit during or at the end of your individual interview. Please do not submit the electronic form before your individual interview.
We will arrange an individual interview with each student and parents via SchoolCloud between Wednesday, May 4th and Friday, May 13th. On the day of the individual interview students will be able to remain at home and join their regular timetabled lessons Live Online.
Parental support is vital to the success of students, even more so at the present time, and we request that you watch the presentation with them.
Kind regards,
Sonette Schwartz Charles Joseph
Executive Principal Principal