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Letter to Parents 15th November 2024
15th November 2024
Dear Parents and Students
Thank you for all your support this week.
We have undertaken a review of Homework we set and have decided to issue paper booklets to students each half-term in each subject starting with Year 11. We will next extend this to Year 10 followed by other Year Groups in the coming weeks. The booklets will be linked to Examination Board practice questions for older Year Groups, as well as to Knowledge organisers available to each Year Group for each subject in Google Classroom. Our aims is to give students greater ownership and responsibility for their Homework and for this to align more fully with what they learn in class.
Monday morning saw Mrs Ashlee leading the school’s Remembrance reading and minute’s silence at 11am. Remembrance Sunday had seen Brockhill represented by students and staff at a number of services throughout the area with our Years 12 and 13 Dance students performing at The War Memorial at the Grove in Hythe. I am so proud of our students for their part in commemorating such important national events.
Later in the week, our Music teachers and students watched the London Symphony Orchestra perform at the Barbican in London and 18 Year 11 Animal Care students visited Wingham Wildlife Park.
Today, students have undertaken Children in Need fundraising activities in their Academy Tutor Groups over period 5 and lunchtime today. We will let you know how much they have raised next week. We thank them all for their engagement and support of each other.
As of 11.30am am this morning, we had sent 3370 Excellent Effort points to parents in recognition of their daughter or son’s hard work. We wish to recognize every student, so please encourage your daughter or son to submit their personal best class- and homework assignments.
Separately, we are sending 268 Bronze, Silver or Gold commendation certificates to parents where their child was nominated by teachers for the submission of personal best assignments during the recent remote learning days:
Bronze = 4 teacher nominations Silver = 5 or 6 teacher nominations
Gold = 7 + teacher nominations
We are sending a further 554 commendation letters to parents where their child was nominated by up to 3 teachers.
If any of you are completing or have completed a Degree and are think about entering teaching, we train a large number of teachers each year. If this is a path you might be interested in pursuing then please do get in touch with Mr Travers via
Have a peaceful weekend.
Yours sincerely
Charles Joseph