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Letter to Parents Assessment Letter
Monday 10th February 2025
Dear Parents,
Your daughter or son’s Assessment Sheet will be available on the SIMS Parent App from Tuesday morning. These Assessment Grades are based on student learning since September. Full explanation of the Codes used for Assessment Grades will be available with the Assessment Grades but please note particularly the following -
Areas of Concern for parental information and support:
A |
Attendance irregular |
B |
Behaviour in class is affecting work |
C |
Coursework or Homework Assignments outstanding |
E |
Equipment for lessons sometimes or often lacking |
I |
Insufficient attention to Coursework or Homework Assignments outside class |
L |
Late to lessons |
P |
Work / Assignments sometimes or often submitted late |
Q |
Quality of work / assignments completed not of personal best |
If you encounter any issue with the SIMS Parent App, please email us on and we will help you resolve this as quickly as possible.
We hope that both you and your child(ren) will find cause for celebration and that the grades they have received will inform their work for the remainder of this term and beyond.
We continue assembling Assessment folders in each subject for all students to capture samples of work they complete under test conditions through the school year. This is vital so they are well prepared for the challenges of Public Examinations at the end of Years 11 & 13.
Students and their parents should be aware that students have every possibility of improving on the Grades we are currently predicting for them in their subjects - given hard work. Where however, a student does not engage properly in class and homework from here on out they will likely find themselves in the position of performing less well at Public Examination than we currently predict.
If you have any query or concern around your daughter or son’s Assessments, please contact their Academy Director from Wednesday 12th February 2025.
May we also take this opportunity to thank parents for their continued support.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Joseph